Did you know that the mind is immaterial? Be careful with your mind, because our mind is radiation. The mind is like gelomba wifi, and for those who are sensitive will feel radiant minds of others. Want proof? OK. 

Have you ever suddenly felt happy for no apparent reason? And without you suspect a friend coming from the back patting your shoulder. Have you ever had the feeling of a bad mood and suddenly realize that you're around people that you really hate. These two extreme experience handing us a lift in this simple discussion, to prove that the mind is radiation. In the second incident, without you knowing it, you receive thought-waves of your best friend and from people who you do not like, even though you do not see them. Wave of mind you have received subconsciously, and instantly translated into your mind in the form language of feelings (emotional languages). 

The motivator not get enough to invite us to always think positive. But they are less explain, why we have to think positive? Well, in this session we will peel mengapanya factor, so we are getting mantab to always think positively to anyone and anything. Experts parapsychology in many developed countries have agreed that there is a mysterious power behind the power of the human mind. 

Water is the most elements of both the human mind waves so the water is always used for various means of metaphysical healing. Our thoughts turned out to be in the program. It's like a computer, when we think of something, the thought pattern forming energy as instructed thoughts that we form. If the thought pattern is bad (negative), then the effect is also negative, or vice versa. Have we upset at a and we unconsciously give cursing and swearing at the man so he wretched? And a few moments later the man really suffered bad luck. 

Therefore, be careful with other people's feelings, do not offend them, especially the parents, because when our parents hurt and gave the oath to his son, wait havoc. It seems to occur in Malin kundang, the prodigal son to his parents, and eventually he was doomed to be a rock, and the child was really into stone. Believe it may not, but the legend is really happening in Palembang in South Sumatra. Strength of mind, it is very powerful. Actually, what makes the mind so strong? Makes the mind strong because of the energy supplied from the power of our souls. 

The thought was actually just an intermediary, or the cable on the circuit energy systems. Thoughts are waves, and waves can carry energy from one point to another. And the energy that makes things happen, depending on the program that is filled out by the owners of energy. 

When we think positively, then there is a pattern of energy resonance among a small universe with a large universe (our environment). We create the conditions that we want (idealism) in our minds, such as good health, a harmonious relationship between people, financial conditions were plentiful and so on. Remember, in the scripture, God is always doing twice the creation process, so in humans. 

Before we had a car in the physical realm (real), we've created a picture of the car in the previous metaphysics of nature (in the form of fantasy or aspiration). And a universe with their creative genius will realize its own way. Generally beyond our logic. This is the importance of positive thinking. Create and imagine everything is nice-nice, lovely, delicious, abundant in the universe is small, that is, in your mind, then the mind large natural (universe) will make it happen. Percis how it works as a resonance in physics, two tuning fork tuning fork vibrating from the others because the tuning fork has a wavelength equation. Our mind is a small tuning fork, and the universe is a big tuning fork. 

When we pray to God, we're moving the wheels of small armies to drive the wheels of the great universe, and that's when our dreams come true. Does this make sense or not? The answer is up to you. What is clear, positive thinking will take us on a positive dimension (at the level of feeling), then will berggerak at the level of action and it will be a reality at the level of results. 

The concept BE X DO = HAVE. Later we will discuss later. Congratulations to think positive, enjoy the wonders of prayer for the sake of a miracle due to the activity you are doing. Because God, in principle, always answered the prayers of all people, living our own whether prayers we contain the faith (believe it will come true) or playful prayer alone. God does not like people who do not serius.
Basa prayer pleasantries His word. Think about the health of every inch of the act, and if it is you do, then your health level will rise. The mind is very powerful, healthy human illness depends on the quality of mind that we create. Therefore, let's always so positive to anyone and anything, because the mind will go back to the author. Salam positive thinking.

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Unknown mengatakan...

wow .. amazing